Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Babylon revisited: VBS Week!

My friend Richard came by our 'Astronomy Shop' yesterday
and snapped this picture of me and Gail.
Some of you had asked to see me in my regalia,
so here you go!
Needless to say, the pants are not the least bit flattering!  LOL
But they are comfy and cool -
which is important this week.

I was exhausted yesterday:
I went to the gym after VBS
and then went shopping.
I hate to clothes shop -
do you?
By the time I got home,
I was worn to a frazzle.

But today was awesome at VBS.
Gail and I fine-tuned our schedule
and we all had a great time.

I apologize for this pic being so blurry,
but I wanted to get a bit of a closeup with my iPhone.
Jenny, our fearless leader, is on the left in the red sash and white tunic.
Her daughter Julia is on the right with her hands raised.
They are leading us in a dance.
The music really grows on you, and you find yourself singing it all day long....
and dancing too!

Here are some of the 'tribes' of Babylon,
dancing to the music.

This is part of the tribe of Ruben
building their astronomy globes
with the help of Gail,
my able-bodied assistant.
These kids were so cool!

More construction going on here,
by the other half of the tribe of Ruben,
and their leaders.
What a fun crowd!

We will do a bit more globe construction tomorrow,
and then we will begin bursting our balloons
and making our constellations.

I think the kids are having almost as much fun as we are!


1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Love your outfit! It looks so comfortable. All the smiling faces pretty well sums it up! (I detest clothes shopping as evident by my time capsule closet.) xo