The Color Magnet tutorials on YouTube
show several pieces of fabric that have been
treated with the product a second time and then overdyed.
I decided to try this with my pieces of silk charmeuse.
If you scroll down to my "Playtime" post (3 back),
you can see the fabrics before overdyeing.
Above is the feather piece,
initially stamped with Color Magnet using my hand cut feather stamp.
Using a thermofax screen, I screened on the two birds
with Color Magnet
and then overdyed in a low water immersion bath, with ProChem's 801(grape).
Next came my large hibiscus: over-screened with several smaller hibiscus,
and dyed in the same 801 lwi bath.
Knowing that overdyeing 400 with 108 would produce a nice green,
I wanted to see what would happen when I screened on the pine needles.
Since this is only a test, I didn't pay attention to placement,
but I love how the pine needles appear to have receded behind the top bird.
In person, the needles are a lovely yellow/green,
while the birds are teal.
Quite yummy!
Next came my abstract flower,
which I over screened with the smaller hibiscus
and threw into the 801 lwi bath.
I love how the hibiscus appear as a second dimension
and are a vivid red violet.
I can see a definite use for the Color Magnet,
and although the viscosity isn't what I'd prefer,
I will learn to work around that factor.
My last 'test piece was
the Pro Chem Celery-dyed silk charmeuse.
I screened on two more of the same motif,
using the Jacquard Water Based Resist,
and then dried it well with the hair dryer.
This time I thought I'd do things exactly right
and so I mixed Tangerine with thick print paste,
let it batch for several hours,
and then to my surprise,
found that the motifs had totally disappeared!
So this morning I raced out to the studio before church,
applied more of the same resist, dried it with a dryer,
and literally dropped on Pro Chem's 305, using a pipette,
careful not to hit the resist.
It batched while I was at church...
and you can see the results above.
So, I guess the key to using this resist is NOT print paste!
I love testing like this, and will surely put it all to good use in the future.
I wonder what would happen if you added some color magnet to print paste? Would it dilute it too much? If it would ever get warm enough here for longer than 2 days, I might find out! LOL! Love the chickadees in the pine needles.
Your designs are wonderful. How you do it is still a mystery to me. xox
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