For more than 30 years, C and I have been big club soda drinkers....and my preference is for absolutely no flavoring, be it scotch or lemon! We were buying dozens of bottles a week, and I was drinking it with every meal, and often in the evenings after dinner. This is simply charged water with no added sodium, so for my health's sake, it was fine. But I began to think about all of the extra plastic I was adding to the earth. "Back in the good old days" C and I had a couple of those soda bottles that you screwed a little co2 cartidge onto and phssssssssssst, you had soda. So we looked into and purchased the 2009 version:
We picked up our new 'machine' on Saturday and I must tell you that I am really pleased with it: it is easy to use and produces a good little charge to the water. It comes with the charged bottle of co2 (which is attached to the back, so you can't see it in this picture), the 'soda maker', and two bottles for carbonating. We use the cold, filtered water out of our refrigerator tap, then screw it into the soda maker, press the button on the top, and within a minute, you have charged water. You can read all about it here. Oh, and we are in no way affiliated with this company...we just like the product and are thrilled that we are no longer having to purchase and then recycle a gazillion bottles of plastic each week.
These little lovelies arrived in the mail from my blogger buddy Elizabeth this week:
and what do you suppose I am going to do with them?????? Any guesses??????
I have lots of fiberous stuff like that - want some more? I will probably not use most of it.
We drink sparkling mineral water and I get it by the case in glass bottles. We had to change brands because the one we were drinking changed to plastic.
In Germany, also plastic bottles are taken back against a pawn by the market and get refilled (or discarded). So each bottle has a value that makes people carry them back.
Hi Judy, So does your homemade club soda taste just the same as what you are used to drinking? I drink seltzer all day long and would love go more green.
Love your idea about redusing plastic usage altogether- Great idea!!
I only meant those wrapped chenille stems to serve a s an example- Please don't feel that you have to use these for your project!! theya re fun to make and can be used for so many funt hings. For your purpose I would probably wrap several stems together and then wrap the fibers round- that would make them stronger. cna't wait to see the finished project!! Hugs! Elizabeth
Look like good worms for a rooster!
You're going to couch them onto something? My other thought is custom designed ties if the core is made of wire.
I have lots of fiberous stuff like that - want some more? I will probably not use most of it.
We drink sparkling mineral water and I get it by the case in glass bottles. We had to change brands because the one we were drinking changed to plastic.
In Germany, also plastic bottles are taken back against a pawn by the market and get refilled (or discarded). So each bottle has a value that makes people carry them back.
Hi Judy, So does your homemade club soda taste just the same as what you are used to drinking? I drink seltzer all day long and would love go more green.
Wow, we drink a lot of selzer too and I had no idea such a thing existed! I am going to check that out!
Are you going retro and wearing the yarns as headbands? LOL! I'd use them with your tyvek beads.
Love your idea about redusing plastic usage altogether- Great idea!!
I only meant those wrapped chenille stems to serve a s an example- Please don't feel that you have to use these for your project!! theya re fun to make and can be used for so many funt hings. For your purpose I would probably wrap several stems together and then wrap the fibers round- that would make them stronger. cna't wait to see the finished project!!
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