I was so tickled to arrive home this afternoon and find a package in the mail from Germany!!! Eva, one of my blogging buddies sent me this absolutely fantastic painting, Pink Bridge:
A few weeks ago, I was reading the latest Piecework magazine and there was a very interesting article about the knitting in Tallinn, Estonia by Nancy Bush. It was extremely interesting to me because: (1) I knew that Eva was from Tallinn, and (2) I was knitting a pair of socks designed by Nancy Bush. Later that day, I went to Eva's blog and there she was showing a lovely pin cushion that she had been embroidering. We emailed about this happy coincidence, during which she told me that she couldn't get Piecework on line, so I copied the article and sent it to her. It was pretty much an effortless task, and look at what I now can cherish!! Thank you so much Eva!! It is even more wonderful than it appears here! Please tell everyone about it.
Two more gifts from a dear friend:
My friend Polly traveled to Africa several years ago and has shared many of her experiences with me. I had hoped to accompany our Rector and his wife a month ago when they went to Tanzania to visit their daughter Sarah, but then those plans fell through for various and sundry reasons. Polly knew how disappointed I was, because I had really wanted to spend countless hours in the markets inspecting beads and fabric. So, a few weeks ago, she gifted me with the above beautiful fiber cards that she had purchased while she was in Kenya. I was just bowled over!! The technique used to produce these cards appears to be very similar to that which was used in the making of the fabric I showed you in my last post. Since the two countries are quite close to one another, I am thinking that the natives employ similar techniques. Does anyone know more about this? If so, please share with us.
What a beautiful painting and wonderful mud cloth cards!! I have gotten similar ones sent to me by my bro!! I have just written an e-mail to Sarah asking if she knows my brother. Peter spends alot of time in dodoma so chances are pretty good!! Don't you just love blogging!!! Hugs! Elizabeh
Lucky you, indeed. I love that painting. I love how Eva's paintings are reminiscent of fused quilts. Guess what? I actually went into my studio and did some clean up today.
What a beautiful painting and wonderful mud cloth cards!! I have gotten similar ones sent to me by my bro!! I have just written an e-mail to Sarah asking if she knows my brother. Peter spends alot of time in dodoma so chances are pretty good!! Don't you just love blogging!!!
Lucky you, indeed. I love that painting. I love how Eva's paintings are reminiscent of fused quilts. Guess what? I actually went into my studio and did some clean up today.
I'm glad you are feeling better and have gotten back into the studio! Good for you!!!! WooHoo!!
Yes, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to fuse a quilt according to Pink Bridge! Hmmmmmm!!!!
Oh yes! Gerrie can read my mind! I love the painting and it would make a wonderful quilt. Hope you are having a great weekend. Cheers.
You are so lucky! What wonderful gifts.
I'll be watching to see if a quilt arises out of the painting.
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