Saturday, December 25, 2010

A White Christmas!

As a rule, we who reside in northeast Georgia simply dream of a white Christmas, but this year our dreams have come true!

I snapped these pics about two hours ago when we took Barker out for his evening walk, and it's still snowing, and snowing harder than it was then!

My little clump of snowdrops look a little worse for wear, but they will hopefully bounce back, as will our temps mid week.

I hope you've had a merry day, no matter where you've been or what you've been doing!  Remember, you are in charge of that!!



Gerrie said...

Happy Christmas!! Lisa is in Atlanta with Clay and giddy over the snow.

I am perfectly happy with a dry day in the 40s with occasional sun breaks.

Rayna said...

I've been in Altanta when it "snowed." Maybe they've figured out that they should have a plow or two and some sand sitting around in inventory since I was stuck there when everything shut down, including the MARTA, in 1996. A milimeter of snow and black ice.
Be careful out there.

We're expecting our blizzrd tomorrow. Maybe it will change its mind and go out to sea. No snow is just fine with me. Have fun!

Eva Hagbjärn said...

What a lovely Christmas wreath! Keep warm in the winter weather! We are having about 20 inches of snow here in Skåne, Sweden, and it's snowing right now...again!!!


Carol said...

What beautiful snowy photos! I'm sure you had a lovely day with Charlie; I certainly did with my 3 grand babies. xx