Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Happy Day

It's Father's Day here in the States.
As these things sometimes happen,
our only child is off at the beach with her inlaws,
so we were alone.....and that was fine, honestly.
I've never felt that a special day had to be celebrated on the exact day,
if it didn't work out.  So, we will gather on another day to
celebrate C's splendid fatherhood.

Our mornings and evenings have been blissfully cool,
so we have enjoyed fabulous walks on the golf course
with our boys.
We walk early, to be out of the way of the golfers.....
and then on Sundays we can make it to our late church service.
I snapped several pictures this morning.
Everything seemed so fresh and lush.

These wild cherries were the first thing to catch my eye.
The birds will be feasting on them soon!

I've been watching the clump of thistle
to which this little gem belongs,
for several weeks now.
I do love thistle -
from afar!

I believe this is a Sourwood leaf,
but am not totally sure.
But it was literally calling my name
when it saw that I was shooting the Queen Anne's Lace!

One more wild cherry shot.

I spent this afternoon cleaning up my sewing room.
I need to move on with my work,
and the clutter is driving me nuts!!
Why can't I pick up and be more disciplined?????
What are your secrets on this????

My friend Jane LaFazio does a lot of handwork
in combination with her surface design.
She has inspired me to take up my needle again,
and enjoy the soothing process of hand stitching.
My Vacation Bible School name is Cyra,
which means 'moon',
so I decided to stamp and embroider my name tag.
I added the stars because my role is that of an astronomer.

So, that's it for today!
I hope your day has been awesome.



Jeannie said...

Beautiful photos! I wish Queen Anne's Lace would grow here. I have to visit the wet side to see it. I also love thistles - from afar! Have fun this week Cyra!

Gerrie said...

Mr C and I have spent many a mom or dad's day sans kids. It is nice when they are around, but not a necessity!! Love your photos.