Thursday, August 09, 2012

Making Tea

I've made some Texas Star tea.
You can't see it,
but there's a lovely silk bundle
immersed in my tea 'pot'.
I think this bundle will stay submerged
for quite some time.

The boys and I had a lovely walk on the golf course this morning.
We had a rather violent thunderstorm last evening,
so there was lots of good material
blown down to scavenge.

All, save the lichen,
has been rolled and steamed.....
it was a productive day here!

Hope yours was equally so!

Thanks for popping in!



Yvette said...

When I started bundling I was so glad with storms...heaps of windfall


alexa said...

Beautiful colours in your windfall ...

Carol said...

Lovely colours - and as I'm reading backwards, I know how beautifully it turned out.