Sunday, February 11, 2007

Spring in February

The entertaining is over and now we can return to life as we know it. Poor Barker received so much attention over the past couple of days that I am sure he will go into withdrawal tonight with no company around to rub his tummy and tell him how gorgeous he is. Why don't you come over and join us? Oooops, sorry.............we're at the condo! Well, join us in Atlanta then.

I think both evenings were a success, and we enjoyed hosting a variety of friends. Last night's chili and cornbread were quite yummy, and the cranberry creme brulee was a big success. I'll have to do that again!

It was cold this morning: 28 when I went off to early church at 8:00 AM. I love that service - so quiet with only a bit of organ music and the beautiful Rite I from the Book of Common Prayer.

After lunch we threw a few belongings, including Barker Baby, into the car and headed for the condo for a brief bit of R&R. When we arrived, the car thermometer read 59. We unpacked, put on our walking shoes and headed out to Piedmont Park. Look, the daffodils are all in bloom:

There were so many people out walking, playing bocce ball, tennis, soccer, volley ball, and just enjoying the pretty afternoon. What a treat for February, even here in the Southland. Look at the pot bellied pig, out for a walk in the park with his master:

Here are the new playing fields, finally completed and open for the good citizens of Atlanta to enjoy.

Tonight we are trying out a new restaurant...................yummm: check out the Margarita!!! I'll let you know how it is.

Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have found a little rift in our friendship!! I cannot abide the Rite I service. All that ancient sexist language just irritates me. You will forgive me, won't you?

I'm glad you are enjoying a bit of spring as we are. I love seeing the crocuses, especially.