My friend Joni and I go waaaay waaaay fact I think I've known her for over 25 years, and we try to get together quite often. Her daughter is getting married next June, and she asked me to help her find some things for the wedding. I knew just the place: Gail K's on Cheshire Bridge Road in Atlanta! Joni and I hadn't been together for about a month, so we had lots of catching up to do on our one hour+ ride into town. While she was shopping for the wedding, I browsed around in the sale bins and came up with these two beautiful pieces of silk:
I just love them both. Then I started checking out the buttons and came upon these glass ones from Germany. Gail herself waited on me, and told me that few shops in the US stock German glass buttons, Hungarian (or was it Czech?) being the norm. I wish you could really see the irridescence in these buttons. They are phenomenal up close and personal.
When I got home this afternoon, I started going through another bag of stuff that my Mom had saved....whatever for? She is very sentimental, so I know from whence I got it! Here's a little heart pendant that I have plans for:
And then there were these two old pocket watches, one with my maternal grandfather's initials engraved on the back, and the other with those of my Daddy:
I just love these guys and know that I won't be able to part with them either!

It is very warm here, in case you didn't know. When we left Atlanta this afternoon, my car thermometer read 111! YIKES!!!! By the time we got back to Gainesville, it was registering 102. I thought perhaps it was stuck, but then it went up to 104, so it was indeed operating. I think Big Al may just be right about this Global Warming thing. Lemme see, how many more days does W have in office?
Those are beautiful pieces of silk. Like the buttons, too. It is hard to find really great buttons anymore. There is a button atore here in Portland that I just love. They also have great ribbon.
I thought it was hot here - only 87, but it is going down to the low 70s tomorrow.
THe silk is magnificent. Love it. It's not nearly so hot here, around 20 which is low 80's for you I think. Very nice. I would hate, hate that 111 temp. Not for me at all. I'd rather have -40.
I got to go to that fabric store years ago - it's still one of my favorites!
We have had about +20° C here today, and we have also had rain and thunder. Brrrr!!!
I just guess that the small watch on the left in the picture is your grandfather’s. Am I right?
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