Saturday, December 29, 2007

Boxing Day...a bit late

Our "Boxing Day Do" was a lot of fun! I guess the perfect combination has a lot to do with good friends and good food....and maybe a bit of good wine. Folks began drifting in at about 3:30, and the last to leave departed at about 10:00. I'm not much of a party person, but I thoroughly enjoyed this bash...thanks to all of our good friends who helped to make it happen!

Barker was making the rounds early:

I left my camera out and it seems that several folks picked it up and snappped some pics! I'm delighted as I was a bit busy at first.

Here's Bobbie, in my little old kitchen, helping me out by assembling the salmon hor d'oeuvres:

C and his cousin Heather, discussing discussing politics or the price of oil these days:

Phew, we finally got dinner on the table....these folks thought I'd never get my act together! (Isn't Heather cute in her Froilicmeister hat!!!)

Folks just chillin:

There are two MARVELOUS dessert bakers in our crowd, and I am not shy about asking them to bring along a few of their delights:

I'm not sure that Bill and Bob were buying whatever it was that I was sellin':

We put Barker and Marley out on the patio while we were eating....needless to say, they both wanted IN in the worst way:

More chillin' after dinner:

I tacked the new kitchen plans up on the wall for everyone to inspect and add their comments...and then I turned my back on the plans:

Bill was demonstrating the proper technique to open a Christmas Cracker:



Carol said...

Happy late Boxing Day Judy . I do love to see Barker having a good time at your party though those were sad faces at the door. Bet they weren't out there long. Happy New Year for tomorrow evening, I hope 2008 will be great for you.

Eva Hagbjärn said...

Looks like you had a very fun party.
Our Boxing day's name is Annandagen and it's a very boring day here in Sweden =(

Hope you will have a nice New Years Eve!
Happy New Year 2008!


Diane said...

Thanks for sharing your Boxing Day gathering--I thought I missed it! I am sure a good time was had by all-very nice outfit on you, too. The colors are terrific on you.