Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This and That

How about that amazing Obama infomercial this evening! I was thrilled and brought to tears several times. What a great leader we could have, if only people will let it happen!!!

Just for equal time, my friend Barbara sent me this Palin/McCain cartoon:

Switching Gears:

Our church's Festival of the Arts begins with the Preview Party on Saturday evening. I'm slowly but surely winding things up around here. This cami has been a long process of complex cloth, but I think I finally found the answer last week when I decided to batik it and then overdye it one more time. I just love how it has turned out. I don't think I'll put it on my table for sale, but I wanted to show you now.

This is Periwinkle Surprise, and I am also smitten by it:

Here is the detail:

I have a funny story to tell you about the circular motif that is in the center of the detail shot above. C and I were walking Barker in Midtown one day when he hiked his leg on a fire hydrant. I glanced down on the other side of the hydrant, and there was this wonderfully round black object that I just had to have. I said something to C about it, and he gave me the most horrified look and then muttered something about not picking up any object that was next to a fire hydrant. So I grabbed one of the 'doggie poop bags' that we always carry with us when we walk Barker in the city, and carefully picked up the object. I brought it home and sterilized it....isn't it a great stamp!!!

Here is October Sky with Ginkgos, another of my favorites:

and here is the detail:

I felt like I really had to do a few more holiday scarves, so here are two with holly leaves:

Tomorrow will be a busy day: pricing and tagging all of my items and then setting up my table in the little gift shop area. Of course, as things go, I'm doing everything at the very last minute, but that just makes the adrenalin flow faster!!!

If you haven't seen this amazing YouTube of the dancing dog, take a peek, it is quite amazing and the accompanying music is awesome!



Jeannie said...

The blues you used are gorgeous and I like the complex designs. Can Barker dance like that? Opportunity for the two of you on the dance floor! Carl is going to show that to his quartet next time they claim they can't do the choreography! Good luck this weekend. Cheers.

Eva Hagbjärn said...

Lovely colors and work as usual =)
I’ve seen the Obama infomercial video, and I really do hope that he will be your next president. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope that ALL the American people will vote for him.
I also saw the dog video. What an amazing dog!

XO Eva

Gerrie said...

Ah! The woman with Rhumatoid (sp?)arthritis whose 72 year old husband went back to work to buy her prescriptions really got to me.

Your scarves are gorgeous. Good luck!!

Barbara said...

Judy, it is interesting how Obama makes people feel. He makes me feel hopeful for our country and safe. When I hear or even see McCain I get a knot in my stomach and have this sense of dread almost to the point of panic. I can't wait for Nov 4th.

As for your scarves...they are so beautiful. The blues are my favorite. You create such lovely wearable art! Thanks for sharing your photos.


Beverly said...

Judy, your scarves are lovely, I'd have a hard time picking just one of them. Are you using just dyes, or dyes and paints? I think I'm going to be putting in a Dharma order soon, yours have certainly inspired me.

Counting down, I will be so glad when it is all over.