Thursday, January 08, 2009

Eleven....and on our way to heaven!!

Our good friend Robin came over yesterday afternoon to do some dyeing and painting in the studio with me. He had a great suggestion for one of my 'Art Hearts', and here's the before and after:

The addition of just a bit of black paint really added depth to the piece, don't you think?

While he was doing that, and we were yacking away, I was stenciling some deconstructed white cotton t-shirts that used to belong to C:

I am sending them off tomorrow to Marea in Australia, and then they will go to Susan in British Columbia, before returning to BJ in Pennsylvania and Judy in Arizona! Those old pieces of t-shirts will certainly be well traveled! I can't wait to see how they look after several months of globe trotting....and I wish I could go along! Can you guess what I will do with these pieces when they return home?

Today was a great day! I finally mastered my Thermofax machine, which I have had for almost a year now! That was one of my goals for the week, and I feel so good about completing it. I had two Round Robin fabrics that needed completion, so I made Thermofax screens for both. Here is the first one, going to Linda in St. Petersburg:

This is a beautiful rayon fabric, and the colors are really much richer than they show here. I loved the horsehead and the human figure, and found this wonderful cow print that I was able to make into a screen. I felt like the fabric was calling for a bit of black, so now it has it!

Then I tackled Judy's lovely piece of cotton:

It needed a bouquet of posies, so now it has several, in dark blue. Another lovely piece that I wouldn't mind owning!

Hope you've had a creative day too!



Beverly said...

That bit of black paint made a huge difference! Like the RR pieces too--

Gerrie said...

Very nice! Lots of eye candy tonight. I want to get back to surface design
!! Soon, soon.

Joyce said...

You've been a busy girl! It's amazing what a tiny bit of black paint can do.

Elizabeth said...

Way to go Robin!!! The PERFECT SOLUTION and how simple!! Love it!!
Today is 10~~~

The whole attitude of the World will change on that day! Everyone had better jsut realize that he is Only Human. My brother, In tanzania, sya that the world's attitudes and sense and feelings of hope and possiblity are really on the upswing!!! GIVES ME CHILLS!!
Big Hugs!!

Carol said...

Not long now!Your fabrics are lovely, how big is each piece and what do you make when you get your pieces back? OOXX

Margarita Korioth said...

Beautiful pieces and love the thermofax screens, you just put the cherry on top!!