I've spent every free minute over the past two days reading, digesting, and enjoying the wonderful images in this book by Sherrill Kahn:
Many of you recall that about a year ago I had surgery to remove a malignant melanoma. So, now I visit my lovely Dermatological Plastic Surgeon every six months for a full body check. She is adorable, witty, extremely wise, and a very talented surgeon, so I rather enjoy our little visits. Today she found another suspicious spot:
If you are young and you are reading this: use sunscreen and stay out of the sun!!!
So, for most of the day 'my public' has viewed me as you have now! C makes light of it, in order to get me through the day, which is both aggravating and most appreciated. We went to see "Frozen River" this evening, and then ate dinner at The Majestic, a wonderful old Atlanta dining institution.
Which reminds me, I really want to thank Elizabeth B for her wonderful and thoughtful comment on yesterday's blog. It's so nice to 'know' some of the folks who drop by to read my blog. And yes, Elizabeth, I did know about the new Georgia SDA blog! Isn't it great!!! Are you going to the conference in Kansas City in May? I'm going and am very excited about it!
My best wishes for healing -- and for the suspicion to dissolve and the spot to be harmless!
Good luck with the spot. In Australia they are so paranoid about the sun (with reason, the stats are 1 in 3 with skin cancer) that kids are not allowed outside at recess without a hat and there are sunscreen dispensers in the hallways. You can't be too careful.
Judy, sending good thoughts your way about the spot. My partner had a malignant melanoma removed a few years ago--it was in a VERY strange spot, but they still attributed it to all the sun as a child. Fortunately, she hasn't had any more since. Btw, love the "clean your house" post!
Best wishes for healing...we have to be very careful beacuse we live in the southern part of the country. That cake looks delicious....oh I have a sweet tooth.....
Here's hoping and praying the spot is benign--- my thoughts are with you.
Ouch! Hope it's better quickly with a good report. I'd love to go to the SDA conf but I haven't registered (though I drooled over all the workshops) since I don't know whether my work schedule will coincide. I may go just for exhibits/vendor floor if I get a chance! I like Sherrill Kahn's work as well -- there's a real exuberance in it that lifts my spirits!
Get it early girl!! THat IS the Secret!!!!I go every 6 months and out comes the Liquid Nitrogen every time. Positive thoguths and if it was at all suspicious better off gone!! SO IT IS gone!!!!!!!
Hey Judy, Hope all goes well with the spot you had removed. It looks like it would hurt in that area. I'll send lots of positive energy.
The cake looks so yummy! It almost looks like and icecream cake. MMMmmmmmm.
Peace! and stay warm :)
Let's hope that the spot is a good one.
Lots and lots of KRAMAR from me!!!!
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