Such Eloquence!
I've just finished listening to President Obama's first press conference, and I am STILL so very proud that we have finally elected this most intelligent and eloquent man as our President! Regardless of your party beliefs, surely you must admit that this man has all of our country's best interests at hand and also has the intelligence and foresight to make it happen!
I woke up this morning excited about a new day and couldn't wait to get out into my sewing room to work on a few new techniques from Sherrill Kahn's book. Time got away from me, and I was late leaving to go to the gym to work out and then run errands. Dr. Sock was scheduled to make a housecall after lunch, so I needed to keep moving!! Poor Dr. Sock: she had a lot of messes to untangle this afternoon, and I don't think that either of us ever thought it would take so long to fix my mistakes! Thanks Roberta, for setting me straight once again!!! You are the best!!!
What the mailperson delivered today:
a darling Valentine from my dear friend Marga! Isn't this bluebird of happiness just wonderful!!!!
Here's Marga's envelope:

I feel so fortunate to have such thoughtful and talented blogger friends! Thanks Marga!!!
What was for dinner:
C had been intrigued by a black beluga lentil soup recipe several weeks ago and had shared it with me. We went to the Dekalb Farmers' Market last week and actually found black beluga lentils there, so it was time to make the soup! This particular recipe is interesting in that it has a bit of a Tuscan twist to it: adding greens (they suggest kale, but I used spinach) and elbow macaroni. Both were added after I snapped this picture. I served it with some Pumpernickel bread: MMMMMMM! As you can see, I prepared this soup in my pressure cooker (20 minutes under pressure), and even then the lovely black lentils maintained their shape, but they were soft and supple. I'll try to get this recipe copied on my cooking blog some time this week! So much to do, so little time!!!YES WE CAN!!!!
I love the valentine from Marga!! I had hoped to make all mt bff's valentines, but it is not gonna happen this year!!
What a wonderful valentine! I'm wish Gerrie, I had good intentions, but..... you fill in the blank! LOL! The soup looks yummy. Can you make it in a regular soup pot? Have a great week. Cheers.
It really was amazing to lissten to Obama speak to the people and the press and to hear such concise and intelligent responses to the questions.. He has a wonderful way of letting us see how he thinks. the fact that we finally have a President that can and does and likes to think is still such a new experience, it can't help but engender confidence!! Love Marga's valentine- she does amazing work. I just put on a pot of veg beef soup- must be soup weather!!!! Come by my blog soon....!!
The soup looks very tasty!
I'am waiting eagerly at the recipe =)
XO Eva
I'm gald you like my velentine...
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