Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Taking Care of Old Friends

Just as I was waking up a few mornings ago, I heard a soft little r-r-r-r-rip. I didn't think too much of it, as I was planning my day and trying to get my sleepy bod out of the bed. While making the aforementioned bed, I realized that one of C's pillowcases had a rather large tear in it right along one of the seamlines. This isn't just any pillowcase, mind you: I made it several years ago out of fabric from one of my very first textile painting adventures. It is near and dear to my heart! So today I set about mending it, and found the perfect way: I applied prefused fabric to the underside of the case, overlapping it on both sides of the tear, and then I did a little fancy, stitch, also straddling the tear.

It worked out well, and until I can find some time to dye all new fabric for all new cases, I hope this will suffice! This cotton fabric is now so soft and supple that I hate to give it up, however, I have made one case out of silk charmeuse and it is DIVINE! So, I will make several more in the near future.....I hope!

Another old friend that has been calling for help is my wonderful old Peace rose. She was in the garden when we bought the house, and I was amazed to see her blossoms, as she is in the shade. Last summer I consulted my blogger buddy, Elizabeth, as to how to transplant Peace and she was very helpful. One thing seemed to lead to another last Fall, and I never got around to transplanting Peace. I finally dug the hole for her new home a week or so ago, added a bunch of my homemade compost, and then let the hole sit while we were out of town. Today was a lovely, warm day and the weather folks are calling for rain over the next several days, so I thought it would be a good time to introduce Peace to her new home. I hope I haven't killed her, but I think that I've given her the very best chance to survive, as she couldn't have continued on where she was. I'm sure that she was in a sunny spot when she was planted, but the trees have grown up and out and shaded her, so it was time for a move!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel that it's worth it to take a bit of time to resurrect old friends, rather than simply replace them. What do you think?



Gerrie said...

Am i ready to be resurrected? LOL I love the idea of pillow cases from hand-dyed fabric. Think I will make some to match my new sheets because the pillow slips do not fit our pillows. It will be on my someday list.

Jeannie said...

LOL! Gerrie stole my line! Yep, Peace should be thrilled to be able to spread her glory in the sunshine. I am often tempted to buy new roses and end up with my favorites - Mr. Lincoln, Peace, Tropicana, etc. They just seem to smell more than the newer ones. How did C tear his pillow case?;-)

Joyce said...

It's well worthwhile to care for old friends, human or otherwise.