Friday, November 04, 2011

Color Play

Jane LaFazio recently blogged about a great website.
If you've already read her post, please disregard this first part of my blog 
and head down beyond my color chips to read
about another fun website.

All you in order to get these color chips is 
go to the Big Huge Labs website,
download your photo,
and they create your color palette.

It's really loads of fun!

Along a similar line, our daughter and son-in-law introduced me to

There's an app for your iPhone, Mac or PC.
They have gazillions of interesting color palettes available for your perusal
you can upload a photo and they will provide you with its palette.
I'm sure there's even more to do, but I barely scratched the surface.

Very cool!

So, go play and have some color fun!


1 comment:

connie said...

How cool!!! I am downloading the app for my iphone as I am writing this. Thanks for sharing Judy!