Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Species Tulips

I intended this to be a wordless post,
but I also wanted to pay a bit of homage
to my friend:

Here in northeast Georgia,
we cannot expect our tulips
to return and give us pleasure
year after year - 
unless we plant species tulips.
I planted this buddy of mine 
16 years ago,
and she is still going strong,
and produces more blooms every Spring.

peace to you!


Jeannie said...

I have a couple of species tulips and they have never disappointed. The others have disappeared or only send up leaves. Lovely color! There are some species tulips that bloom later (late April) that form nice little clumps. I look for the name for you. Have a happy!

Carol said...

Never heard of species tulips before so will need to google to see if they grow here. Tulips are not happy here on the warm coast though some people have success but I don't think I have that kind of patience. oxo