Sunday, July 30, 2006

Craig's Excellent Adventure

Yesterday C and I had the very best time exploring art in Atlanta. I had told him the night before that we would spend Saturday as if it was his birthday, doing whatever he chose, since he had been so gracious to accompany me to Indiana on his real birthday. Honestly, I wish he had more birthdays....but not get any older!!

First, we walked up to the High Museum to view the new exhibit "New Photography". This is a three women/one man show that is incredible. I didn't think I would enjoy it too much, but it really grabbed me and even had me in tears a couple of times.

Taryn Simon's photographs of the Tsunami survivors were very moving, and then she got me again with her series, The Innocents, which presents visual stories of individuals who have served prison time for violent crimes which they did not commit.

Sze Tsung Leong's photographs of the transforming cities of China were awe inspiring and very linear.
I particularly enjoyed Ruth Dusseault's photos of Atlantic Station, from its earlier life as the steel mill, through the demolition and finally the construction of the new residential and retail community in Midtown Atlanta.
And then for a completely different twist there was the cool, green work of Angela West of Dahlonega, Georgia, which is just up the road a piece from Gainesville, my town. I think Blackberry Winter was our favorite, with West's grandmother shrouding a bush to protect it from the last cold spell of the season.

After a couple of hours at the High, we enjoyed lunch at my all-time fave: Metrofresh. A Trader Joe's is coming to that shopping center soon, so we are very excited! It is definitely within walking distance of the condo. Let me see now, how many bottles of Two Buck Chuck can we schlepp up the hill at one time. Since Cousin Eva has sent us several of those nifty lightweight shopping bags, we will be in business!!!

Then we were off to Breadgarden to pick up a couple of loaves of their fabulous whole wheat sour dough bread. Won't that be yummy surrounding a few slices of homegrown maters and basil?!!! YUMMMA

Our last stop on Craig's Excellent Adventure was to the Midtown Arts Cinema to see the Leonard Cohen Documentary, "I'm Your Man". I have been a huge Leonard Cohen fan since 1970...don't recall how I was introduced to this marvelous man, but he is something else!! I even like listening to him sing!!! I had all of his albums and have recently replaced them with his cds (wish I had kept the albums as they would probably be worth a small fortune, or maybe a few yards of charmeuse anyway) and Leonard often serenades me while I work. I have a fond memory of my last summer in Boston, sharing a dorm room with my good friend Edith Campbell. She worked days at New England Baptist Hospital and I worked nights...Craig was in Vietnam, so it was a good thing to do to occupy my time and hone my newly learned nursing skills. Edith would get off work at about 3:30 PM, just as I was getting up, and I would have Leonard singing away on the stereo. She would come in, roll her eyes at the music, plunk herself down on her bed, and after about five minutes ask me if I would kindly change the music. We did enjoy a fun summer: Leonard and I!!!

I do have photographs of most of the day, but once again Blogger has decided that they are not worthy to be published. Perhaps I will post them later? I'll look above!

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