Monday, June 11, 2007

Good News Day!!!

Well this has been a mighty fine day here in northeast Georgia! I got up early, had my breakfast, and then wandered on out to the garden to do some pruning. The flowers are lookin' good! I wanted to run back in and get my camera, but knew that if I did that, I'd never get the pruning and weeding done, so..........I pruned! and then I pruned some more! By 9:30 I was finished and snapping a few pics.

My liatris are beginning to open!

These poor daylilies have been over run by the forsythia. I think that I may move them after they finish blooming...either that or prune back the forsythia.

This one has such a sunny disposition:

I love Echinacea when it is just beginning to open. I bought only two plants several years ago, and I just let them reseed all over the place. This plant has a ton of buds:

And one last daylily shot:

I may have to paint these babies too!

Good news?......oh yeah, I forgot to tell you!! The surgeon came in to visit Mom this afternoon and said that he doesn't think she needs to have her gall bladder removed, if she'll just go easy on her fat intake....NO MORE ONION RINGS!!! We can follow that order real well, if it means no scalpel!



Vicki W said...

Judy - these photos are wonderful! Your garden must be stunning.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo happy to hear the no surgery diagnosis!!

I had so many gorgeous day lilies in NC. I love them. There was a day lily farm just north of us in NC and we would go upp there and shop and shop. I wonder how they are doing. I would love to drop by and see if they are still there.

Anonymous said...

Good news to hear about your Mom!
Give her my best!
Lovely flowers!
XO Eva