I found a comment from my cyber buddy Gerrie on my yesterday's blog saying that I needed to check her blog. When there, I learned that the "You Make My Day" award had been bestowed upon me! Well, Gerrie has been making my day for a couple of years now, so I was actually quite honored!Here are the guidelines for this award:Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about Blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!
So, I'm awarding these wonderful folks in bloggerville, because I always look forward to reading about their adventures:
I've been feeling kinda puny today, so have laid low, not pushing it, but having a bit of fun in spite of the miseries. I had a bit of Lutradur left over from a previous project and after reading Virginia Spiegel's article in the Premier Issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors, I decided I'd do a bit more investigating with this marvelous fiber. After last week's very chilly temps, it is now above normal here, so I enjoyed running back and forth to my studio in shirtsleeves. I cut up my Lutradur and painted it with some fabric paints, then brought it inside to my sewing room to see how it would react in the sunny windows:
I had painted the pieces in the lower part of the photo yesterday afternoon, without leaves, so they are pretty downright b-o-r-i-n-g.
We have this pretty Nandina all around in the garden, so I snipped off a few branches and tried some sunprinting:

Some pieces turned out better than others, but none was particularly remarkable. There was a slight reaction with salt, but there again, not like on cotton or silk. I do like the subtle colors that I got. All in all, I was pleased with the results.
I purchased a lovely white blouse at the thrift store a couple of months ago, with a particular project in mind. Today was the day to get busy on it. I soaked it with water and then painted on several different blue values, and then a pretty gold fabric paint. I sat it in the sun in the diningroom and let it bake away.

Here's a closeup:
Doesn't it remind you of ripples of water? I just love it! I hate that I'm going to have to cut it up, because it really looks cool (and it fits me perfectly!), but sometimes sacrifices to the Art Gods do have to be made!! LOL
Thank you so much for the recognition! I love the painting yuo did on that blouse. I'd have trouble cutting it up too at this point.
Thanks Judy for the award, you are the 3rd person to award me so I'm smiling.
The blouse does remind one of water. Why can't you wear it for a while before you cut it for a project?
Thank you so very much for honouring me with your award Judy.
That was a big surprise for me!
I agree with Caron, wear the blouse before you cut it up. By the way, blue is one of my favourite color!
Kram (Hug)
Oh Judy
Thanks so much for my "award" you are a honey
Love K
Nah! Cut it up and have fun with it!! Hope you feel better soon. I am suffering from SADD and feeling a bit saggy and blah.
hey thanks!!! and right back at ya!
Thanks for the "you make my day" award!!!!! I need to get better at my blogging of late!!
HAVE YOU CUT THAT BLOUSE UP YET?????? NO NO NO, I love it, don't cut it up!!!! LOL
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