Saturday, August 09, 2008

Takin' A Break

"Losing Track" has become an obsession, so I am taking a break from it for the weekend. Well, it's a physical break, as mentally and emotionally I'm still under its spell. Here is how I left it yesterday:

I have made a few more minor adjustments since I snapped this last pic, but I'm tellin' you, this art quilt business does not come easily to me right now! All that said, I find that photographing the piece makes it easier to step back and critique it. Already I can see another spot where the placement needs changing!

I took about a half hour out of my day on Thursday to stick a couple of pieces of charmeuse in the dye pot. It was such a good feeling, after being away from the dye studio for a few weeks. This is a part of one of the large pieces I dyed:

It almost looks like sky, doesn't it?

I really love this piece:

Here is another one:

I don't know how those little wavey lines on the right happened. They weren't there when I left the piece to dry, and I didn't return to it for over 24 hours, so the little elves must have been tampering with my goods!

Here's another part of the same piece:

I just love this one.....very exciting piece!

It's a lovely day here in Atlanta. We walked Barker early when the temps were still in the mid 60s.......I almost wanted a light jacket! We ran into our friend John and his two Standard Poodles Luna and Hillary, over on Myrtle, and then Bobbie met up with us for coffee at Caribou after which we went to the Saturday Soup Sale at MetroFresh. MMMMMMM! We also did some much-needed shopping at Trader Joes, went to a birthday brunch for our friend Ashley, and soon we'll be off to see Up the Yangtze at Midtown Arts.

Have a great day!



Joyce said...

It's amazing what you can see once you put a picture up on your blog. I find that all the time.
The blue piece really does look like sky.

Vicki W said...

It's fun to watch Losning Track in progress and your new dyed peices are incredible. That first one is mesmerizing!

Gerrie said...

It is getting there. Think about what you want the focal point to be. Then you want to have movement around or directed at it. Is the green the focal or is the red? I would bring the pieces on the left and right closer to the center. I like the top and bottom pieces of green.

I wore my Complexitee to the quilt show today and got lots of compliments. Someone said to tell you that Linda from Canada loves your work (the shirt that is!!) after I told her how I came by the shirt.

Carol said...

I love to see Gerrie's comments, she's so measured and understanding. And I understand what she's saying. I prefer this Losing Track setup to Thursday's, seems less busy. I love the colours and the background especially. Your other dyed pieces are beautiful. I'm wrapt in the vision of all those Standard Poodles in one place. Hi Barker! XXOO