It's been so long since we've had a good old rainy day that I don't quite know how to react or what to do!! So I'm lounging at the computer but will get my act together here shortly! I haven't blogged for a few days because there hasn't been too much to blog about, and I've been consumed by finishing up my Journal Quilt, which cannot be photographed until after the whole collection of jqs have been aired in Houston. So, you'll just have to wait. It was so therapeutic for me, and I was very pleased with the end product.We saw this bumper sticker in Atlanta the other day and it gave us a chuckle:
Here's a cute pic of my great nephew Kosta Kim, taken by his GrandMa Molly:
Am I really old enought to have a Great Nephew? I remember my Great Aunts and Uncles, and they seemed VERY OLD to me!! I have yet to meet this young gentleman, but can't wait! Isn't he adorable?!! And how nice just to plop down on a rug and take a nap!
You may recall the "complex cloth" table runner I made a few weeks ago. Well, I didn't have time or the presence of mind to also make napkins, so I got busy this week and did that. It was so much fun. I spent about 8 hours in my little dyeing studio, playing around with complex cloth and a few other projects! What could be finer? So here are a couple of pictures of the napkins:

The very nicest part, was that I knew what I wanted to do in my head, and was actually able to produce it on fabric with dyes. That doesn't happen too terribly often for me! Does it for you?
This is a piece of charmeuse that I was playing around with, using some thickened dyes. I love the watery effect:

So that's it for today. Hope you have a great weekend!!